Crowdfunding isn't easy. Close to 60% of all reward based projects don't even get funded, whilst it's rare a crowdfunding campaign will reach 6 figures or more.
Lack of pre-launch preparation: Crowdfunding platforms alone cannot help you reach your goal, as collecting and nuturing leads before you launch is ideal. You need to find groups of users who share your passion and vision, and want to support your work.
Poor functioning campaign pages: Pages that don't focus on solving problems or promote the benefits to potential backers. No matter how much traffic is pushed towards a campaign, if the page isn't setup correctly it will not convert as well.
Relying on paid ads: Facebook ads have long been used to promote a project, but cost per leads have risen. Owners should consider spending time focusing on finding organic leads, getting featured on relevant sites and connecting with influencers.
Beyond deposits, newsletters and expensive advertising. Times have changed.
Product creators require an ethical, up-to-date Kickstarter and Indiegogo marketing strategy.